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This Latest model has been designed to examine and sturdy tissue cultures, bacteria plankton, Protozoan and similar Micro-organisms in media. Sturdy base with built in 6V-30W continuously variable light intensity control. Stage size180x150mm with extension plates for large bottles & micro filter work with detachable or co-axial mechanical graduated stage. Illumination Koehler system provided by 6V-20W. Binocular Observation head has been provided with coated prismatic system. Latest co-axial coarse & fine focusing system based on a4- gear reduction system traveling on ball bearing guides with highly sensitivity fine motion with a graduation reading to 0.002mm.
Quadruplenose piece revolving turret to carry objectives:
Objectives : 5x, 10x, 20x & 40x
Eyepieces : WF 10x (Pair) with eye guards.
Filters : Blue & White.
Specification as model BTM 417 but provided witha Trinocular head with binocular observation and straight tube forPhotomicrography